Give Elem a hug

There are many ways to give Elem a hug!

  • You can leave him a message, by clicking here


  • If you are an artist and would love to contribute with some of your masterpieces, please click here


  • If you are a parent or a kid and would like to share some child art with us, please click here


  •  You can order or preorder any item from this sit, by clicking here


  • Since winning eye cancer is a very long path of treatments, investigations, rehabilitations and monthly check-ups in Switzerland, we  need your financial help also. We don't know how long it will take and how much money we will need till the end, so we have created this website in order to be able to finance this treatment for next years.
  • You can also directly transfer money on the following accounts:

MD bank card number: 4028 1202 2276 5865



Bank details: 

Transfers from abroad

correspondent bank

Landesbank Baden Wurttemberg, Stuttgart, Germany, SWIFT: SOLADESTXXX
beneficiary bank
BC "Moldindconbank" S.A., SWIFT: MOLDMD2X
numele beneficiarului
Natalia Girbu
IBAN  MD51ML000002259A24381241